Products Chromatography QuEChERS CHM® QuEChERS AOAC 2007.01 Method

CHM® QuEChERS AOAC 2007.01 Method

QuEChERS extraction method is designed for multi-residue pesticide analysis of fruits and vegetables coupled with a clean-up method that removes sugars, lipids, organic acids, sterols, proteins, pigments, and excess water. Dispersive method AOAC 2007.01 according to the Association of Analytical ommunities (AOAC), it uses Sodium Acetate as a buffer instead of NaCl.

Technical specifications

Technical specifications

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Ref. Description Qty/Box Price
QE50020 Extraction tube. Composition: 6 g MgSO4, ... 25 55.40 €
1 ud.
QE02031 PSA Clean-up tube 1:50 mg PSA, 150 mg Mg ... 100 192.30 €
1 ud.
QE15031 PSA Clean-up tube 2:400 mg PSA, 1200 mg ... 50 161.80 €
1 ud.
QE02033 PSA/C18 Clean-up tube 1:50 mg PSA, 50 mg ... 100 220.20 €
1 ud.
QE15033 PSA/C18 Clean-up tube 2:400 mg PSA, 400 ... 50 242.60 €
1 ud.
QE02040 PSA/C18/GCB Clean-up tube 1:50 mg PSA, 5 ... 100 370.00 €
1 ud.
QE15040 PSA/C18/GCB Clean-up tube 2:400 mg PSA, ... 50 829.80 €
1 ud.

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